Summer School FORBIODIV: Biodiversity, a key element for temperate forest ecosystems

To provide a deeper understanding of how and why biodiversity is key in the forest ecosystem, SwissForestLab, WSL Biodiversity Center and NFZ.forestnet are organizing a Summer School "FORBIODIV - Biodiversity, a key element for temperate forest ecosystems". 

It will take place from August 21 to 27, 2022 in Davos, Switzerland, and it is open to PhD students, MSc students in their last year, and PostDocs in forest research and related disciplines from any country. To register, applicants must provide a CV, a motivation letter (one A4 page), and a PhD thesis abstract. 

The application deadline is May 1st, 2022

Read the flyer to see the preliminary program.


Davos, Hotel Shima